

    EC declaration of conformity

    The EC declaration of conformity (DoC) is a document which states that the toy fulfils all the essential requirements of the applicable legislation. By preparing and signing the EC declaration of conformity, the manufacturer assumes responsibility for the conformity of the toy.

    The EC declaration of conformity is part of the procedure for assessing the conformity of a toy, and it must be prepared and signed before the toy is placed on the market.

    The EC declaration of conformity must be kept for 10 years from the date on which the toy is placed on the market. If the toy has been imported from outside the EU, the importer is responsible for keeping the EC declaration of conformity.

    If several EU regulations that require an EC or EU declaration of conformity apply to the toy (such as an electric toy), a single EC declaration of conformity can be drawn up for all regulations. The EC declaration of conformity can also be a document that consists of all the individual manufacturer’s declarations of conformity that apply to the toy.

    The EC declaration of conformity for a toy does not need to be provided to consumers, but it must be provided to the market surveillance authority on request.

    The EC declaration of conformity of a product on the Finnish market must be available in Finnish, Swedish, or another language approved by the market surveillance authority.

    In practice, the EU and EC declarations of conformity are the same thing. The term used in the legislation for the product group in question defines which name should be used.

    You can find more information on the EU declaration of conformity on the Tukes website and at the I Know My Product webinar (in Finnish).

    Image: Example of EC declaration of conformity