

    General requirements for toys

    According to the Act on toy safety (1154/2011, Toy Act), a toy is a product that is designed or intended to be used in the play of children under 14 years of age. Items that have another purpose, but which nevertheless have play value, are also considered toys. For example, a keychain with a plush toy attached to it can be considered to have play value.

    For some toys, it may be difficult to assess whether the product is a toy in principle or an ornamental item, or whether the toy is suitable for all ages or only for children over three years of age. The European Commission’s working groups have sought a coherent approach to these and many other issues, and you can find many guidelines on the Commission’s website if you need support.

    Sections 2 and 3 of the Toy Act list the types of products that are not considered toys or subject to toy legislation.

    Toys are not subject to prior checks or approvals by the market surveillance authorities.