

    General information on gas appliances

    Gas appliances are subject to the EU Gas Appliances Regulation (EU/2016/426), the Act on Gas Appliances (502/2018), and the Government Decree on gas appliances consumables and operating pressures (852/2018).

    In the EU Gas Appliances Regulation, gas appliances mean appliances burning gaseous fuels used for cooking, refrigeration, air conditioning, space heating, hot water production, lighting or washing, and forced draught burners and heating bodies to be equipped with such burners. Examples of such gas appliances include the following gas-burning

    • barbecues
    • stoves
    • ovens
    • camping cookers
    • patio heaters
    • space heaters
    • water heaters.

    On the other hand, some gas-burning tools and gas devices that do not burn gas are not considered gas appliances under the Gas Appliances Regulation. Examples of these include

    • welding equipment
    • gas-operated insect traps
    • LPG burners
    • weed burners.

    The scope of the Act on Gas Appliances is the same as that of the Gas Appliances Regulation.

    The scope of the Decree on gas appliances consumables and operating pressures covers accessories used in connection with appliances covered by the Act on Gas Appliances (consequently, also the Gas Appliances Regulation). In practice, this means gas hoses and pressure regulators separately to consumers.

    Before a gas appliance is placed on the market, conformity assessment must be performed for it. This applies to all appliances covered by the Gas Appliances Regulation, regardless of their characteristics, applications or manufactured quantities. Conformity assessment is a two-phase procedure to ensure that the designed appliance meets the essential requirements of the Gas Appliances Regulation, and that the appliances manufactured and placed on the market are of the same quality as the product originally designed. The notified body must be involved in both phases of the assessment.