Personal protective equipment
Topic outline
Briefly about PPE requirements
PPE must comply with the requirements of the PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425. This means that PPE must meet the essential health and safety requirements for personal protective equipment, and all PPE must have the following attached to or provided with them:
- EU declaration of conformity
- must be in Finnish and Swedish
- must be supplied with the product or available on a website, with the link to the website in the user instructions
- User instructions in Finnish and Swedish
- CE marking on the PPE. Category III PPE must also have the identification number of the notified body monitoring its quality.
- Manufacturer and product identifier on the PPE.
All PPE must also have
- Technical documentation drawn up by the manufacturer (see Annex III of the PPE Regulation for more information).
- Mandatory for all PPE. For categories II and III, the manufacturer draws up technical documentation for the type examination.
The following must be provided with category II PPE:
- EU-type examination certificate
The following must be provided with category III PPE:
- EU-type examination certificate
- Certificate in accordance with module C2 or D issued by a notified body